Legal assistance is always just a phone call away.
We know legal questions don’t always come up during work hours. Or even during workdays, for that matter. So, we made sure you can access the Legal Helpline from 8 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week. Call with your questions — all of them! If you decide to formally file a legal expense claim after getting legal assistance, you’ll be guided through the next steps.
Included legal expenses covered by your insurance policy
Life doesn’t always go according to plan. So, if you find yourself fighting with a neighbour, contractor or somebody who got injured on your property, know there’s someone looking out for you. CAA Insurance will help cover all reasonable and necessary legal costs while you pursue or defend an acceptable claim.
Fighting with a neighbour?
Neighbours can make great friends. But if a fallen tree or fence or a flooding dishwasher or bathtub gets in the way, things can get a little sticky. Legal Expense Coverage can help you navigate damage caused by incidents originating on a neighbour’s property (or vice versa), if someone gets hurt at your address (or you get hurt at theirs), or any other instance where you might want to know your rights and how to proceed.
In a dispute with a contractor?
Everyone knows renovations don’t always go according to plan. If you find yourself with a contractor who’s not delivering as promised, trying to overcharge you, or has just walked off your job, you’ll have access to legal representation who can advise you on how to proceed.
Getting audited?
Being audited is no picnic. It can be time-consuming, frustrating and even a little scary. So, if you find yourself facing an audit, know you have access to legal representation who can advise you on taxes and help you navigate your way through to the sunny side of the street again.
In a work-related dispute?
This is where purchasing CAA Legal Plus Coverage for an additional fee can be worth its weight in gold. It covers you for assistance with employee legal defence and employment disputes. Facing a work-related criminal offence? You’ll be covered with legal assistance up to $250,000 per policy term for that too. Your policy explains exactly what’s included under CAA Legal Plus Coverage, so be sure to give it a read through.
Need advice on a bodily injury?
We cover that too. Whether someone is suing for an injury that happened on your property, you have been injured and are looking for restitution, we can provide legal representation on how to proceed.
Facing an auto contract dispute?
When you take possession of your new car, you expect it to run smoothly. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. If you find yourself in this position, our experts can advise you on how to proceed to get your issue resolved.